Menopause & perimenopause can affect women in many different ways. Many people are aware of issues around hot flushes and sleep disturbance. However, the fluctuation and changes to our hormones (the guardians of our health and particularly our mental health) can create a plethora or other symptoms that are not so readily discussed.
Low mood, lack of motivation, depression, anxiety, negativity or irritability can take over our usual ways of being and relating and start to interrupt the flow of our self confidence, self esteem & self worth.
This is an issue being given growing attention and awareness in both workplace wellbeing strategies but also in the public domain, and rightly so. Women seek a range of allopathic and herbal medicines to cope but many of the less obvious effects of menopause and perimenopause are tackled by women in silence and alone. As one of my friends said recently “no-one told me this stuff was coming!!”
Physical exercise has long been accepted as a way to support mental health at any time of life. Adopting a physical yoga practice during this time has also been noted by doctors as a positive alternative support to help support mental balance and overall wellness.
As a result, yoga (across all its forms such as meditation, postures, breathing techniques, relaxation and philosophy) is being turned to by more and more women to support health and emotional wellness.

Yoga therapy brings this support into a one2one setting, and kundalini yoga therapy offers targeted support that can, through specifics kriyas, meditations, breathing practices and yogic teachings towards sustaining vitality, can have a massive impact on wellbeing, for example to:
- Support glandular function to help with hormonal fluctuations and mood swings.
- Build the prana or chi (life force energy) to increases our capacity to cope.
- Enhance kidney energy and blood circulation to support fatigue.
- Offer exercises to balance brain hemisphere to support overall mental clarity.
- Strengthen the nervous system to support resilience.
- Rebuild the naval fire to support power of mind, positivity and strength of being.
- Create a feeling of mental and physical balance & harmonised internal state.
All of these changes at a physical and mental level can provide the emotional support, resilience and balance that is so important at this time for physical and mental health, keeping our capacity and capability on track for the things we still want to do. As for the evidence, its early days for yoga therapy and yoga techniques in this area but evidence is growing (see links below).
So remember, while yoga and yoga therapy (including postures, breathing practices, meditation) is by no means a quick fix, targeted support with a kundalini yoga therapist over a period of time can start to pay real dividends to our health, wellbeing and vitality.
For anyone interested in yogic support through emotional issues please get in touch, I would love to hear from you. For more information on therapeutic wellbeing courses targeted to support health, happiness and wellbeing, see our website listed in the links below.
To your happiness & wellbeing
Kelly Egan, Conscious Intentions, Supporting happiness and wellbeing with NLP, coaching, hypnotherapy, kundalini yoga, meditation, and kundalini yoga therapy.
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