“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”
~ Wayne Dyer
Welcome to Conscious Intentions.
Our mission is to support health, happiness & wellbeing through the provision and sharing of mind, body, energy practices that support health, personal develop and self-growth.
In our classes, workshops, and one2ones we provide a safe and welcoming space where students can explore practices that optimise and support health and vitality. We work with individuals that are well but also provide a more therapeutic support for those with existing health conditions.
We work to create harmony and balance within individuals and communities so that people can bring more awareness to what doesn’t support them and more guidance on what can, giving people the tools to develop longer term health and happiness promoting habits and practices.
Through NLP, coaching, yoga breathing practices and movement, kundalini yoga therapy, individual, communities and families can learn new skills to support and enhance their experience of health and wellness in a new and creative ways.
We allow students to develop at their own pace and aim to introduce and inspire individuals, families and communities both through personal practice, knowledge and professional training so that individuals and families can make their own choices about what works for them and what they wish to take away from the sessions.
Very importantly we work with those new to mind, body practices, and aim to spread and share techniques that have been particularly useful to us in times of challenges and in times of self-development and growth. Our motto is around working with real people, with real problems looking for extra-ordinary and alternative solutions for health and wellness.
There is an increase amount of evidence to support through benefits of mind body practices such as breathing practice, meditation, yogic based movements. We look forward to help spread this message and learning to all those that we teach.
Get in touch now for more information or book here for one of our taster sessions.
Many thanks
Kelly & Dan
“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become”
~ Carl Jung
[vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_toggle title=”Terms and Conditions” open=”false”]
Thank you for taking part in a Conscious Intentions wellbeing session or programme or kundalini yoga class, session or event. We will do our best to serve you by listening to your needs and using our knowledge, training and experience to help support you to achieve your goals. There are some important things we would like you to understand and confirm before working with us.
Conscious Intention’s wellbeing4adults and wellbeing4teens sessions involve a combination of NLP, coaching, hypnotherapy, kundalini yoga, meditation and other energy techniques. All sessions will take a mind, body, energy approach and will include a combination of physical postures, breathing, relaxation, affirmations as well as NLP interventions, discussions, teachings as relevant. The aim is to support emotional resilience, confidence, balance and wellbeing through yogic based postures, breathing techniques, relaxation and mindfulness and NLP based support.
Conscious Intentions wellbeing services, kundalini yoga classes, courses or events is in no way a replacement for any medical advice. If you think you or your teen may be suffering from any mental health, psychological or medical condition, you are advised to seek appropriate medical advice and treatment and will not discontinue or delay any medical treatment because of coaching or yogic based advice/support.
Session can be amended or changed up to 1 week before the session, but otherwise refunds cannot be offered for any missed sessions. Refunds for programmes are not normally offered but we are happy to discuss and agree these on a case by case basis. For information about Conscious Intention’s programmes, see www.facebook.com/wellbeing4teens and www.facebook.com/conscioushappiness, www.consciousintentions.co.uk.
Medical and Liability Disclaimer and Notice
Conscious Intentions takes all reasonable care to ensure that its wellbeing programmes and classes are fun and safe. However, I understand under all programmes or class, myself and my child, where relevant, will be engaging in a moderate amount of physical activity that may involve some risk of injury.
I acknowledge that I have been advised to disclose any past or present injury, illness, health problem or any other condition or medication that may affect my or my child’s participation in any programmes, classes or courses run by Conscious Intentions. As far as is permitted under Local Law I assume the above risks and accept responsibility for myself and my child taking part in any wellbeing programme or class arranged by Conscious Intentions.
I further discharge and hold harmless conscious intentions (including its owners, officers and personnel including its coaches and its suppliers) from any liability arising from any injury to myself, my children, or other person or persons, taking part in the any programme, class, course, event or session caused by participation in any programme, class, course, event or sessions held by Conscious Intentions. I hereby release the Conscious Intentions from any and all liability, negligence and other claims arising from participating in one of these services.
I understand that by taking part of the conscious intentions wellbeing programmes, classes, events or courses, I give agree by the above terms and conditions and medication disclaimer. I also:
- For wellbeing4teens, give my consent as the legal guardian for my daughter or son aged 16 or under to take part in all aspects of the wellbeing4teens programme and confirm that they are fit and well to do so.
- Confirm I have disclosed any relevant information about health and medical conditions of myself and my teen. We are both fit and well to undertake a kundalini yoga based class and have sought medical advice if relevant.
- Recognise that programmes or classes are not suitable for those that are pregnant – and confirm that neither myself or anyone under my guardianship are pregnant.
- Understand that Conscious Intentions coaching, yoga or mindfulness based support is in no way a replacement for medical advice and will seek appropriate advice as necessary. I will not discontinue or delay any medical treatment because of NLP, coaching or yogic based advice/support.
- Recognise that results for complementary therapies vary from person to person and results cannot be guaranteed.
- I understand that any energy cards are used for entertainment purposes only.
- By attending one of our programmes, you agree to abide by these terms of conditions and medical disclaimer and take full responsibility for your own (and that of your child’s practice and wellbeing) throughout the session.[/vc_toggle]
[vc_toggle title=”Health, Safety and Safeguarding” open=”false”]
Policy Statement
It is the policy of Conscious Intentions to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of any persons who may be take part in any classes, sessions, or one2ones with Conscious Intentions.
While there is no requirement to produce a written policy under health and safety legislation, we can confirm that we will uphold the following duty of care and health, safety and safeguarding requires during our work. This is to ensure we that will protect and safeguard students and ensure an accident free environment and workplace.
Conscious Intentions will meet the following duty of care for ourselves and our students:
- Teaching to the level of experience and physical capacity of your students:
- Offering modified practice appropriate to individual students and explaining areas for caution relevant to individual medical conditions.
- Always teaching within our training and experience.
- Where a student attending a class is suffering from a medical condition, as relevant, seeking further advice/referring student to their doctor or other healthcare professional.
- Teaching safely and ensuring duty of care is in place:
- Ensuring students can progressively take responsibility for their own safety by giving them the information they need to do so.
- To ensure that in teaching any special needs groups, we have the training/experience to do so safely.
- Recognising that if we do not have the knowledge to safely teach a student, we would not do.
- Making use of health questionnaires to understand the health, wellbeing and constraints of our students.
Conscious Intentions will assess & meet the following risks to ourselves and our students:
- Provide and maintain safe working environments without risk to health and safety
- Seeking the information, we need to teach students in an informed way, asking for information about the level of student experience, physical capacity and health, observing and adjusting instruction as we teach according to student needs.
- Taking all reasonable steps to ensure a safe practice environment.
- Take account of any other factors that may create a risk of injury to students and ensure that these are taken account of.
- To ensure health questionnaires are completed and read and discussed where necessary with the student to ensure safe practice, in person or online.
- Ensuring that physical teaching space, and environments that students use, is free of risk of injury and risk of harm – regularly checking lighting, electricity, pathways, entrance ways, sanitisation facilities.
- Ensuring all equipment used for classes and session is regularly cleaned and inspected ensuring that there is not risk or harm or damage to any clients using this equipment.
- To ensure an appointed First Aid Persons to be available “as far as is reasonably practicable” in the building in accordance to the risks we have identified, keeping a register of any incidents.
- To complete a fire risk assessment and ensure there are sufficient fire extinguishers and fire exists, with a fire plan showing evacuation route.
- Commit to taking an ongoing overview of risk assessment to reflect the changing situation – of students’ personal circumstances change or environmental.
- We do not take responsibility for any risks that we could not have reasonable foreseen in accordance with your professional knowledge and training.
Conscious Intentions will report any incidents or accidents in class by:
- Keeping a register of those attending class.
- Maintain a record of any injury, or symptoms of an illness that is mentioned to us by any student during a yoga class, reporting any series injuries under Health and Safety Executive guidance and The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR),2.
- Maintain a record of any reportable major injuries.
- Maintain a record of any ‘dangerous occurrences that do not result in injury but could have done’
- Ensure and execute an emergency procedures protocol, ensuring students are aware of any emergency exits from the building and meeting points, checking a register to ensure everyone is accounted for.
- Keep records to ensure you have taken steps to discharge your duty of care, such as registers, records of student health questionnaires, incident records, checklists for emergency procedures, checklist for risk assessment.
Clients are asked to:
- Take responsible care of their own health, safety and welfare in classes.
- Follow any health, safety and welfare rules which apply to their practice.
- Do what is reasonably practicable to ensure that other people, including members of the public, are not put at risk by what their actions or failures.
- Provide accurate and true reflection of their health and wellbeing, constraints and limitations, and ensure that medical advice is sought as relevant before taking as any classes or courses with us.
- Agree to our terms and conditions and be open and honest in their disclosures about health and wellbeing in support of any classes or sessions with Conscious Intentions.
Conscious Intentions will execute the following duty of care in relation to child protection/safeguarding
- To ensure that Conscious intentions maintain its DBS vetting in respect of any work involving children.
- To take due care and awareness to recognise, record and report child abuse and take steps to support a child who has made a disclosure without interfering with a child protection investigation.
- To teach in accordance with my Teen Yoga training, and other relevant training, to ensure teaching standards for children that adequately reflected stages in children’s development and how to teach effectively and safely according to a child’s physical and emotional maturity.
- To teach any children under 16 only in a school setting or under the guidance and direction of a guardian or parent. Anyone 16 or above will be received independently in a class but parental consent will be sought for anyone ages 16 and 17.
- A child in this context refers to any young person under the age of 18.
[vc_toggle title=”Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Statement” open=”false”]
Conscious Intentions will uphold the following considerations in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion
- We recognise and respond to the equality and diversity of student in all classes and sessions, promoting inclusion.
- We provide range of classes to suit different physical and therapeutic needs.
- Clients are encouraged to participate at their own pace and to their own capabilities.
- All clients are treated equally as unique individuals.
- We comply with the ethnical code of conduct of conduct in relation laid down by our professional yoga bodies and have due regard to ethical issues and issues of equality and diversity in teaching classes and sessions.
- We seek to promote equality of opportunity for all persons in our classes and sessions
- We seek to promote a good and harmonious working environment in which all persons are treated with respect.
- We look to prevent occurrences of unlawful direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment and victimisation and fulfil our legal obligations under the equality legislation and associated codes of practice.[/vc_toggle]
[vc_toggle title=”Data & Privacy Policy” open=”false”]
This privacy policy sets out how Conscious Intentions uses and protects the information that you provide when you use this website, or through our Acuity booking services.
Conscious Intentions is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Any data collected will only be used in accordance with this policy. This policy is effective from July 2019.
What we collect:
On booking a class, course of one2ones, we ask to provide:
- personal contact information.
- information about your any injuries or medical conditions.
- information about the goals and outcomes you are looking to achieve.
- we may also to provide other health and wellbeing related information to help determine the support you need.
- feedback or testimonials about your class or one2ones experience.
On booking, we also ask you to agree our terms and conditions and opt in or out of our newsletter.
Why we collect this information:
We collect this information to:
- ensure we can understand your needs and tailor our services accordingly.
- maintain internal recording keeping.
- improve our services and understand how well we meet customer needs.
- ensure you understand our ways of working and that, if you wish it, we provide you with our newsletter keeping you informed of classes, events and offers.
We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial processes to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. This includes:
- Using third party providers, to store and manage your information, all of which have high standards of data security, data storage and data processing.
- Maintaining and storing any paper records in a cabinet locked away.
- Limiting access to any data to Conscious Intentions staff only.
The third-party system that protect and store your data are set out as follows. All these companies collect and store data in a way that helps protect your information from unauthorised access and ensures that data is stored in a controlled and secure environment in line with GDPR.
- Mailchimp – this system holds your email address, email marketing preferences, and how you interact with emails sent. https://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy/#3._Privacy_for_Contacts
- HubSpot – this system holds your email address and use of our website. https://www.hubspot.com/security
- Acuity Scheduler – this system processes your booking information, takes your payment details and ensures that your intake forms are processed securely. Acuity uses iframes and HTTPS encryption to protect the privacy of customer data and prevent other websites and servers from accessing the data while it is in transit to Acuity. https://help.acuityscheduling.com/hc/en-us/articles/219149587-Security-Privacy-Compliance, https://www.squarespace.com/privacy
- Google analytics – is used to monitor traffic on our website. https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/terms/us/,
How we use cookies.
Google Analytics stores cookies on your users’ PCs to keep track of usage data. Through google analytics, which we’ve installed on our website, we use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our website. This is used for analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.
There’s an opt-out browser add-on from Google that helps make opting out incredibly easy and convenient for users. You can also choose to modify your cookie settings through your browser setting to decline any cookies from any site that you wish to.
Other information issues
We do not store any credit card details. Any payments are taken through our secure booking services providing, Acuity Scheduler, which full protects and ensure the data.
You may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information in the following ways:
- You can opt in or opt out of email marketing when booking.
- For any forms, you have a choice what information you offer and choose to complete.
- You can opt out of any cookies using the opt-out browser add on.
- We require you to accept our terms of services to use our services.
We hope this helps you understand how we use data to support our business and provide a better service to our customers.
we have your permission or are required by law to do so. We may use your personal information to send you promotional information about third parties which we think you may find interesting if you tell us that you wish this to happen.